Happy Lucky will perform @ Ellwoods Cafe on Friday, Sept. 17 from 8 - 10 PM. Oriental dancer Khalima will be our guest. It is also rumored that Emily Avesian (photo right) will be playing with us. Admission is free.
It's good to be back. Look for us at Ellwoods Cafe, O'Toole's Pub and Crossroads Coffee...
It's good to be back. Look for us at Ellwoods Cafe, O'Toole's Pub and Crossroads Coffee...
Also this Thursday, Sept. 16, from 9-10 PM we will be part of the MUSICIRCUS (photo right) @ the Visual Arts Center, 1812 W. Main St. This event is organized anually by Brian Jones and is inspired by a concept created by John Cage, in which a whole bunch of musicians play music simultaneously in the same space. If last year is any indication it is sure to be a boistrous, cacaphonous hullabaloo!
We continue working on our upcoming CD "Lucky Buddha". It should be available sometime this Fall. Stephen Williams and John Winn (photos right) have both come into Pippin's studio to help out.
I (Barry) performed solo on the street and loved it. Dave just got a battery powered amp for his bass... so look for the trio on the street...