We'll be there again this Wednesday. It's great to have a place to share our music and try out new tunes.
Remember O'Toole's has good beer and great Gemutlichkeit!
Also if your looking for a band for an event... we audition every Wednesday!
Upcoming public gigs include;
Gallery 5, on February 6, w/ Jason Horst, Zac Hryciak and The Jungle Beats
The "Music Marathon" @ Nordstrom on February 14. This is a fun fund raising event for The Richmond Symphony. Miles, Pippins son, will perform on violin, with us.
We'll also be performing at another Symphony event on March 28. This is the "Music Free for All" @ the main branch of The Richmond Public Library.
And that evening we'll be performing @ The Empire with "Virginia Arts and Letters Live".
And thank you to everyone who has invited us to play at their parties and receptions...