photo: Amie oliver
"I saw shadowy figures in a long tunnel or hall, and then light, and the music of The HaPpY LucKy CoMbO".
Harry Kollatz, Flaneur
Thank you to everyone who came out to the chaotic and cacaphonous Musicircus. I'm sure everyones experience was different. For us it was part fun, and part enlightening near death experience. Can't wait till next year! (click HERE for photos by Dean Christesen)
The Happy Lucky Combo is back home at O'Toole's this Wednesday, October 28, 8 - 10:30 PM. This week we have special guest Carter Blough (photo upper right) on the bass fiddle!
The way it's been working out the trio plays a set and then we're joined by others. Last week it was Emily Avesian (painting right), baritone, and Jeff Adams (photo right), tenor. I can't wait to see who and what happens this week. See you there!
Our friend John Winn will have his composition "The More Things Change" debuted by the Oberon String Quartet on Tuesday, October 27, 7:30 PM @ St. Christopher's School Upper School Chapel, 711 St. Christophers Rd.